[email protected] kimoneillpsychic.com ======================================== Hi Patrick, Every business receives questions from customers. When I was in advertising, people asked, "Can you create a logo for me?" Attorneys answer questions like “Do I have a legitimate reason to sue?” Doctors answer questions like, “Can my leg heal on its own or do I need surgery?” Hairdressers answer questions like, “Should I update my hairstyle?” Marketing gurus are asked, “How do I create an online class?” Mechanics are asked, “My engine is making this funny noise…is this under warranty?” Personal trainers are asked, “How soon can I lose weight and build muscle?” Life coaches are asked, “How do I set goals for the next six months?" But some of the questions I’m asked as a professional psychic channel and medium have been a bit more unique. Like the time a man called my office and asked if I sacrifice chickens in addition to my channeled readings and mediumship sessions. My secretary was so taken back that she didn’t ask the purpose of this question. (For the record, I do not do any kind of sacrificing, unless it's the hope of ever fitting back into my skinny jeans because I choose to eat popcorn every night.) Or the time when I was asked if I could bring back a commitment-phobic ex-boyfriend with a magic spell? (Can’t be done.) Or the time when a producer of a well-known late-night talk show offered me an interview on the program if I would divulge juicy details of my private readings with celebrities. (Not EVER going to happen.) Or, being interviewed to take over the reins of the now defunct and infamous psychic organization headed by the famous singer...to the tune of 80k a month. The man interviewing me asked what it would take to interest me, since the money held no sway. (I've never done anything just for the money.) I was curious and feeling a bit “cheeky” so I told him that, first of all, I’d need to interview every psychic in the network to measure her expertise…and he unceremoniously hung up on me. But the most frequent out-of-the-box question I’m asked is, “Can you remove a curse?” Don't laugh. If you wonder who would seriously ask about a curse, it's intelligent, sensitive, savvy people like college professors, doctors, judges, attorneys, entrepreneurs, business executives, stay-at-home parents, celebrities… This is typically how the conversation goes: I begin by assuring the individual that no one outside of themselves can hamper their success or create chaos in their lives—and then I’m greeted with a worried, unconvinced frown, and the admission, “But…I went to see this psychic, and she told me some stuff that was spot-on so I began to believe her, and then she said there’s a scary curse on me and that’s why I haven’t been able to (fill in the blank), and that she’d remove the curse for $4000. Before I spend that money I wanted to ask you if this is for real.” (I don't know why, but these scammers almost always demand 4k...) If anyone ever tells you that you're cursed, what I'm going to share right now will save you a boatload of cash and worry. In my belief system, there is no such thing as a curse. It's a bunch of hooey. As individuals, we're in control over all of the decisions and choices we make. While many things will happen outside of our control…we always have the power to choose how we react to what is happening. So whether you visit with the $5 variety of psychics or invest over $1000 for a reading (which I think is nuts, but that’s just me), if the person reading you mentions the word “curse”, get the hell out of there. You're being manipulated. And the situation will only spiral downward and you could end up selling grandma's pearls or getting a second mortgage to pay the scammer. And I don't want to see that happen to you. So…in addition to curses, what are the other myths circling around the metaphysical world? With respect to my individual and professional belief system, I’m sharing my perspectives from my work as a full-time psychic channel and medium for over thirty years. The 7 Most Common Psychic Myths Myth: Your life is stuck or in chaos because of a curse. (This one is important enough to reiterate!) My Belief: No one can secretly negotiate negative situations in your life. Things will always happen outside your control…but YOU have total control over how you react. Myth: You can only get a good reading on your birthday. My Belief: Who came up with this malarkey? If you find someone who is skilled, experienced, and ethical, ANY day is a good day for a reading. Myth: Your issues can be resolved, dissolved, or erased by another person in some sort of reading or treatment without you lifting a finger other than paying them a fee. My Belief: Steer clear of this cockamamie claim made by anyone…including psychics, channels, mediums, healers, podcaster, or your crystal-ball-reading next-door neighbor, "Cinnamon." There are no shortcuts to resolving your issues. It takes resolve, work, perseverance, and sometimes, outside help including traditional therapy and/or hypnosis to move forward into a happier, more fulfilling chapter of life. Myth: If someone is a gifted psychic, they have insight into everything that is happening all over the world at any given time. My Belief: Psychics, channels, mediums, and holistic healers have a life outside of their spiritual work. They cannot be receptive 24/7 and still be able to function. Myth: If psychic ability really exists, people would be making a killing in the stock market and winning the lottery. My Belief: But they do. I have clients who have created sizable wealth in stocks and real estate based on their intuitiveness, and I have two clients who have won sizable lottery jackpots by listening to their own instincts. Some people keep their money matters a secret for financial, legal, or safety reasons. But others are willing to be interviewed by the media and they're eager to share that they made or won money because of an unmistakable “gut instinct” or “they knew a stock was going to skyrocket" or they had an intuitive feeling that wouldn’t go away until they bought a lotto ticket. Trusting in your instincts and following through with action is the way of creating abundance of all kinds! Myth: Psychic ability is passed down in your family from generation to generation. My Belief: Every human being has natural psychic ability, regardless of your family of origin. It is not a skill or a gift that is carried only in select DNA. Trust me on this.
Myth: A psychic reading must be done in person to be accurate and specific. My Belief: I used to believe this, too. For many years, people were flying in from all over the world to have a session with me in Houston. Many of them asked if I could channel for them by phone. At the time, I wasn’t sure if there would be the same intuitive connection. One day I was pondering this after I saw a client from France who was (rightfully) complaining about the inconvenience and the cost of travel to have a one-hour appointment with me. My angels were quick to point out that I had no problem channeling for callers when I was a weekly DJ as the “Psychic in Residence” at KRBE radio, and in TV appearances when viewers would call in for mini readings. Although it took me a while to be receptive to the idea…when I began to channel for people by phone (and now using Zoom if someone wants a video session), it worked beautifully. So, yes, you can receive the same level of insight, information, guidance, and direction at a distance. There many other fun and unusual myths to explore. Let me know if you found this insightful and I’ll share more! Message me and use "More Myths" in the subject line. [email protected]
Santanu Acharya
30/6/2021 13:07:04
Very interesting as well as informative.
30/6/2021 13:38:50
@santanu indeed though I thought the sacrificing chickens part was funny.
30/6/2021 14:23:17
Especially if they're rubber. I've seen the real thing put out by superstitious believers, along with some amazingly expensive stuff. Voodoo is an expensive membership deal, in cash terms.
30/6/2021 16:22:19
@Patrick as much as I'd love to put a curse on some people I'd much rather witness them doing there life review especially when it gets to the parts where they were abusive to other people and see how devastated they are at there own behavior and actions. Which is why I try to treat people good even if it's not reciprocated. Though I know when I do my life review I'm also going to feel terrible at times.
30/6/2021 21:04:49
When the chance to observe another soul's life & incarnation review comes, you will not want to watch it.
Santanu Acharya
1/7/2021 20:35:55
So I wonder where this practice of voodoo comes from if such things do not exist. Or is that a part of a life plan in action?
2/7/2021 10:11:55
@ Santanu: You mean the practice of placing a hex or a curse on an enemy, adversary or hated person?
Saint Irene
1/7/2021 00:08:21
Wow! Kim O'Neill said it all here...psychic readings are a tricky deal for both the psychic medium and the potential client.
1/7/2021 09:22:32
Reiki also helps relax people, doesn't it?
1/7/2021 15:43:55
1/7/2021 16:51:13
More common is the opposite, the Higher Self, also non-existent.
1/7/2021 21:32:05
The "lower self" is sometimes called the "ego".
2/7/2021 02:21:04
The ego involves behavior, thus choices, as part of the id, ego & superego. Quite a different thing from a soul.
1/7/2021 01:18:50
If I remember correctly there are some folks from Canada on here. Hope the heat subsides for you soon, looks nasty, being Straylian I can sypothise, par for the course down here every summer 😁
1/7/2021 08:38:34
@steve lol I'm closer to the east than west coast here in Canada and thank God for air conditioning.
1/7/2021 09:30:02
I read briefly about the number of deaths in British Columbia because of the temperatures, across the province. It's been hotter in Calgary (Alberta) than in most of bleepin' Texas. 😯
1/7/2021 02:43:14
@Patrick, what happens during a life review? Do we experience all perspectives of the interactions we've had with everybody we've interacted with? Is this review played back like a movie with all perspectives going simultaneously?
1/7/2021 09:41:27
Says The Committee, no generally not simultaneously. We first observe key, important interactions from a neutral view, then one by one, experience the event from the perspective of each soul involved, especially where what we said & did had an effect. Bad & good both, according to human negative & positive values, are explored and examined.
2/7/2021 17:51:34
1/7/2021 17:30:10
Hi Patrick I was just thinking about the time after we die but before we transition to spirit. Is that something like how we might watch someone walk down a street but we can't see them because there vibration has changed. I'm not suicidal or anything but many times I have thought about this and it seems almost silly as I'm sure I have lived several lives on earth thanks.
1/7/2021 22:41:08
The first sentence is an incorrect assumption. No human "transitions" to spirit; the body dies and is discarded by other humans. Our spirit or soul is front, present & accounted for at all times. We don't turn or change into what we already are.
2/7/2021 21:50:34
2/7/2021 01:08:44
Hey Pat, what if someone has been a real A hole in life and is too scared to do the life review ? Is it mandatory, if so are there life review " police" who track spirits down and force them into the review department headquarters! 🤔🤔
2/7/2021 02:23:55
A "bad" person in human life is the soul most eagerly wanting to conduct a life review. The human reluctance to confront consequences of bad actions disappears immediately when our bodies die.
Saint Irene
4/7/2021 08:30:54
Happy Independence Day to we, the people of the United States of America! As a great reminder of what a precious commodity FREEDOM is, I have attached a transcription of our Declaration of Independence signed 245 years ago, today:
Saint Irene
4/7/2021 08:47:42
I wanted to add to my comment, that as I read the transcript of the Declaration of Independence (link provided above) the list of of grievances that were declared against the King of Great Britain are eerily similar to many of the highly charged events that have happened here over recent years.
4/7/2021 12:13:44
War against The Redcoats is too simple an answer nowadays. The enemy of American potential is not located far across an ocean, several weeks sailing time away. Leave a Reply. |