Above: HCP = hidden controlling power In this post: OS = owner seller BC = buyer consumer
8/1/2023 13:27:10
Honesty and good faith shall return hallelujah. Assuming humans do indeed visit other civilizations Patrick humans would have so much value to offer and contribute to our galaxy and any other ones who'd be interested.
13/1/2023 13:40:18
By the time humans can visit other planets, mankind will as different from what we are today as an amoeba is different from a fish. In our current state, condition & situation I don't believe mankind could offer a damned thing worthwhile to another civilization.
Scott R
8/1/2023 19:03:13
In reality, wouldn't that be a bank account they would be shoveling that money into? We all heard what they are doing with the cash that we've been told is supposed to be burned or destroyed... But I like the naval version, as well.
13/1/2023 13:41:04
Yes, but what you are permitted to see is money going into a furnace.
9/1/2023 10:35:48
*. It will take 1 in 5 of the active OS and BC players required (20%)
13/1/2023 13:50:33
The Committee responds:
9/1/2023 22:47:48
"Combined with this will be a dramatic drop in ornamentation and luxury.
Tom P
10/1/2023 08:52:03
Lorri, I think what is meant is that the focus will be internal rather than external. We'll be practicing our dance moves instead of being impressed by our neighbor's gold toilet seat. My problem will be getting off the 1 and 3 dance beat and joining everyone else on the 2 and 4.
Scott R
10/1/2023 13:06:20
I agree with Tom, Lorri. The Shift is going to flip our thinking from competeing with each other to helping each other, so what Tom said makes sense, artistic expression will grow and caring about "things" will fade.
10/1/2023 13:20:41
I'm thinking of the William Morris quote:
Santanu Acharya
10/1/2023 20:33:35
@Scott R, this earthquake in Vanuatu was quite a deep one which makes the intensity less. The epicenter was not under populated areas and in any case the population in these islands are small. Dutchsinse has predicted a bigger and shallower earthquake in a region north of Australia in the mid point of the waves from the Vanuatu earthquake and another 7+ deep earthquake which took place last week near Fiji. It could be an undersea earthquake but could potentially cause a tsunami
13/1/2023 13:54:52
My personal view: artistic expression is HIGHLY subjective, how moderate or extreme it can be is likewise HIGHLY subjective.
Scott r
18/3/2023 15:52:10
I agree with that, Pat. That's what I thought they were trying to say. ).
Scott R
12/1/2023 11:22:55
Santanu, dutch got my attention a couple years ago, but I haven't followed him for years I guess. Does he know what's there? This is the reason I brought it up.
13/1/2023 01:52:45
Isn't there a giant Arse super volcano that's sitting submarine near Vanuatu 🤔🤔
13/1/2023 13:37:05
Giant arse volcanoes are sitting all over the surface of the Earth.
Scott R
18/3/2023 15:53:07
But, Yes. There is...
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