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My good fried Matthew Lewin has posted on his website,, an important piece of information which I include here, exactly as he posted it. A reader made reference to it below, so please give credit to her also for this, in addition to Matthew and Brahmani. I am just passing along what I hear and receive, being that I'm the microphone &/or stage. The platform, not the performer. Be ready and calm. This ground has been covered enough times to wear the grass down to dirt. You who've read what's here with any regularity, are among the VERY few humans who are aware of what's coming, about how things will turn out. How few? Only several hundred people per billion, that's how few. Only a few hundred among the entire population of India, as an example.
alex campbell
24/12/2020 11:36:59
I guess we all chose the red pill. No going back now. No more wondering what we came here for. It's time.
24/12/2020 11:57:48
I chose the Green Pill, neither red nor blue seemed appealing. Most of us here picked green also.
24/12/2020 16:23:04
Hi Alex, can you elaborate please. How do you read that piece of information and also get a feeling of knowing why you are here please ?
alex campbell
24/12/2020 18:08:38
Hi Steve. To show the way towards and bear witness to the dawn of the new golden era.
24/12/2020 16:17:28
Res ipsa loquitor...
Scott R
24/12/2020 23:19:12
Pierluigi, I think the Committee said something about the Volcs wont be dangerous...Yellowstone will be more like Hawaii for instance...slow.
27/12/2020 01:17:39
Dear Scott,
27/12/2020 07:13:50
Volcanoes going off won't be any more dangerous than they already are and always have been. Distance is our very good friend when it comes to eruptions.
Santanu Acharya
24/12/2020 20:04:46
Several hundreds in a Billion ! I had no idea its THAT few. But here in India I find it relatively easier to explain. Culturally, almost everyone is aware of the concept of cyclical nature of time and change of ages. Only issue is that people do not believe how close we are. Everyone thinks that the world will get back to the old normal. Still, I find that more and more people are now willing to listen. After a few of those "Events" occur, I guess there will be a dramatic change in awareness level.
24/12/2020 22:38:39
My take is that the number of persons aware of what's to come is far, far greater, although not with as much details we have been given, thanks to the efforts by and via Patrick and Matthew.
25/12/2020 00:25:06
Western people tend to think more linearly rather than cyclically, that is, projecting the past continuing into the future. My personal experience is that trying to discuss what the future is predicted to bring, leads to loss of friends or at least to loss of connections. At the best, to a polite silence from the other party.
Santanu Acharya
25/12/2020 00:36:58
The best way is to float the idea but not to push. Go into the details only when they show interest. If people know that you have some knowledge about the matter, they will return for more when the going gets tough.
25/12/2020 00:43:09
A few hundred per billion? So we're talking about 4,000/5,000/6,000 people? Another way to put it ... maybe like 1 in 2 million? Such incredible luck, yet I don't feel so lucky.
25/12/2020 10:15:21
Q1: "...was this preplanned (life plan or pre incarnation plan) that SO FEW would know details of the events to unfold?
25/12/2020 12:34:40
Thank you again for the prompt and thorough response. I hope I can be calm when the events unfold. I/we have been reading, studying, discussing and contemplating these events for such a long time. Now that they are around the corner, I'm not so sure I'm ready for them. I understand why the shift must occur, yet I find myself hoping the "scary" things don't happen. But they will. I'll try to float like a butterfly and go with the winds of change the best I can ... hoping for the best ... preparing for the worst.
25/12/2020 18:02:15
thanks Patrik most for Green Pill made me think of a new movie "" Greenland "" comet and astroid disaster, Earthquakes and ash sum it all up pretty well "9 months recovery though,
NC Mountain Lady
26/12/2020 10:00:23
Many thanks for the further information. While I don't post often, I am a long time reader and come here first, regularly. Because of it, I do feel much safer in my skin and in the world in general. Your "hobby" is a gift to everyone. Thanks again. Happy holidays to you and all.
26/12/2020 14:07:35
The way I see it is that we really don't need that many people to be "aware/awake". I like the analogy of using a flash light when entering a completely dark room. There can be hundreds of "dark energies" in that room, but one flash light will drive them all away, and the room is lit up. While more flashlights may make the room brighter, if the objective is to drive out the darkness, one flashlight is sufficient.
25/12/2020 13:11:14
There was a intentional explosion in Nashville at 6:30 Christmas morning.
25/12/2020 16:32:07
But the perpetrators were kind enough to advice the explosion 15 minutes in advance...
25/12/2020 16:34:12
Gosh, what a typo this time 😅
Scott R
25/12/2020 17:41:53
Thanks, Pierluigi, doesn't look like we have a choice like you. The typos are just your italian coming through, keep it up. ).
25/12/2020 17:50:03
@pierluigi like scott r said don't worry about your spelling we can usually make out what your saying regardless of any typos. Besides pierluigi miscommunication happens to everyone at times 😊.
26/12/2020 06:41:15
Really, I was referring to the embarassing "peesidency" one ^^'
Saint Irene
26/12/2020 10:55:16
Good one, Pierluigi! "Peesidency" =)))
25/12/2020 16:42:19
“White House Tells Trump Staff to STOP Packing Up: “Updated information will be shared in the coming days. “. This was posted on Patreon. Sounds like something big is in the air.
Magic Mike
25/12/2020 17:09:22
In the words of the 17th letter of the alphabet - Nothing can stop what is to come. NOTHING.
27/12/2020 06:58:08
That's our "cue".
Susan Shand
25/12/2020 21:37:47
New Zealand is a great place to live ;-)
Scott R
26/12/2020 03:42:51
Ya just cant move there...). Does anybody like Gingerbread?
26/12/2020 17:06:38
New Zealand is beautiful, but I'm not so sure it's the place to be in the future we read about here.
Susan Shand
26/12/2020 19:33:54
@Lorri.. What do you mean? This is my country, proud to be New Zealander and I think most people would want to be here at this present moment in humanity. We are one of the Countries leading this Earth into the Higher Vibration as an example
Scott R
26/12/2020 19:57:38
Lorri? Can you get yourself out of this or will you need help?? ).
Artie Fuffkin
26/12/2020 20:52:31
Lorri, where would be good do u think ?
Santanu Acharya
26/12/2020 20:56:04
26/12/2020 22:28:14
@Susan Shand - What do I mean? Supply issues related to travel issues.
27/12/2020 06:51:21
It isn't easy to immigrate into New Zealand anymore, which has been both a good AND not so good thing in recent years. The nation unfortunately has the financial socialism disease fairly badly and is relatively naïve, which I admire immensely and almost envy.
27/12/2020 06:43:32
@ Susan: AU CONTRAIRE! Listen to the news BUT realize it contains large amounts of bullshit. It isn't like food, which contains good + bad but should and often must be avoided because of the bad parts. No, no and no. Triple no. Listen and be aware BUT do not believe everything they say.
27/12/2020 10:50:02
@Patrick thankfully i always keep a tablet beside me whenever the old folks i live with tune to cnn. And now i have a new tablet which is a nice improvement over the previous one though it's still in good shape.
Saint Irene
26/12/2020 10:48:03
January 6, 2021--Massive election protest planned in Washington D.C. Peeps, this is the day when things get really real---details:
Scott R
26/12/2020 19:58:58
I wish I could be there...).
Saint Irene
27/12/2020 09:17:13
On January 6th I will be safely at home sending rainbow sparkles and pink marshmallow fluff to Washington, D.C.!
26/12/2020 23:54:49
Somewhere I'm ecstatic not to be ANYWHERE near that . 😁😁
27/12/2020 02:50:30
27/12/2020 06:52:24
Double agreed.
Susan Shand
27/12/2020 00:21:24
@Lorri..... It sounds like you have much fear. Don't live your life for predictions. Live your life, enjoy, laugh, play, create, BE . Happy New Year to you xxx
27/12/2020 00:56:17
@Susan Shand
27/12/2020 06:57:22
The Committee members —Gabrianna, Herman & Matthew— have all the time in the world, because it doesn't exist for them! How can something or somebody be in two places at the same time? Easy, subtract time and the places visited can be lined up in any order. Everything becomes simultaneous so therefore. nothing is.
Susan Shand
27/12/2020 15:00:35
@Lorri....I've followed Patrick's site for years. I like to add my wisdom and intuitive thoughts here and there. It just feels so many of you have fear. I'm trying to do as you say above, help others.
28/12/2020 13:02:30
@Susan Shand - Your answer doesn't make it clear whether you believe the predictions or not. Rather, it sounds like you've appointed yourself to "save" us from any discomfort the predictions might cause.
27/12/2020 04:02:10
I reckon I'll be as calm as all fuck, right up until the first Cano pops it's load !! 😏😏🙄🙄🙄🙄
Scott R
27/12/2020 05:05:40
I agree, Steve, but you can push yourself harder and tell yourself to REMAIN calm throughout the least that's the conclusion I've come to from past experience...I was in a motorcycle accident going to fast at 5am a flatbed coming off the offramp hidden by the overpass I had to turn the bike sideways to try to scrub off speed...something Ill tell you I never would have thought to do in my life doing that at 60 mph locking up both brakes and tilting the bike over trying to dig the tires into the asphalt because I could see the edge of the flat bed about to take my head off...time slows way down with that fear...It missed me by a few inches...then the bike snapped because the foot peg dug in to the asphalt...I had decided I wasn't going to take the chance of miscalculating how much it would pass by my head, you understand. I went flying and leapfrogging with my would hit then me...but after the first hit, I thought this is going to be scary, nice if it wasn' Just then all fear left me like a switch was turned off...then I eventually landed in the gutter...and thought the bike is might land on top of I thought Ill grab it by the bars and heave it over me...500lbs is all, lol. It came, I grabbed, it went over me slooowly, like slow two people were standing there catching it and moving it over me. My point? Ask your Gags to help you out like I did, it works. ). So. Lorri, sorry about what I said if I offended...I agree with everything you said to Susan and add that these aren't predictions..they see trends, what is in our hearts, the energy, Susan, Patrick can correct me of course if I got that wrong, but I think that's the gist... So how about that gingerbread? Pretty clever...).
28/12/2020 13:37:00
@Scott R - You didn't say anything offensive.
Scott R
27/12/2020 05:49:59
@Artie Fufkin I had a conversation with the Committee about moving away from the San Andreas...I practically live on top of the very beginning of it at the Salton Sea... they said if you are scheduled to be in it you cannot run from it...pick the place you are attracted to live in or near...that'll be your answers...San Andreas is not going off in our lifetimes...
27/12/2020 07:26:49
Yes. It. Is.
27/12/2020 14:54:47
If I remember correctly it will happen in 2021
27/12/2020 17:33:57
I knew that the big one is set to happen somewhere in the next Trump's mandate.
Scott R
27/12/2020 19:15:39
This is what you gave me and I misinterpreted it, I guess, when they say not along this fault, thats what threw me: "A serious seismic event comes to this region yet not along this fault. You are correct, no date is set and the event is not an absolute certainty yet the probability is very high. You cannot stop it, as you know well, and avoidance of it will not come to pass, if you are scheduled to participate in the events afterwards. We suggest you are, yet we say you should not worry, you will fare well."
Scott R
27/12/2020 19:40:29
Laura may be right, The Committee said in the middle of Trumps second term and I have a friend who says she's picking up on Sept of 2021. I think that's for Beverly hills and now that Pats straightened me out on the San Andreas, I have two to live with...So if the Beverly hills quake is supposed to be massive, where does that leave the San Andreas? Not so massive? I dont know how it couldnt be, its supposed to go on for half an hour...this aint just a job, its an adventure, ). I've lived through all the quakes out here since the '60s and none bothered any of us enough to care that much, the 1970 quake was the worst I can remember, my bed floating across one side of the room to the other...but these two... ).
28/12/2020 03:32:18
Dear Scott,
Magic Mike
28/12/2020 10:29:37
So if we put next years events on a scale, where 1 is flicking garden peas off a plate at someone. And 50 is the culmination of WW1 & 2 combined. Then 100 is Global thermo nuclear war and the near extinction of the worlds population. How bad does next year get for folks?
Susan Shand
28/12/2020 15:29:18
@ Lorri... Yes, but it sounds like most of you live your life for predictions. Predictions are predictions, many timelines that could play out etc. Why focus on them so much. Wanting to be prepared, yes I can understand that, but they may not even happen or happen in your life time or even happen the way the prediction was said. Choose the timeline you want to be on as ironically is part of Daniel's message today that I just saw....
28/12/2020 18:14:39
@Susan Shand - You've been reading here for years, yet you say what is written here may not happen in my lifetime? Why not just say you don't believe TC and be done with it?
Susan Shand
28/12/2020 19:03:30
@ Lorri. Keeping the Vibrations High. Leave a Reply. |