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Magic Mike
1/1/2021 16:32:13
I believe there are two versions of a reset. One offered by the HCP which requires you to sign over all your assets in exchange for debt relief and a universal basic income. Trumps version means you get to keep your assets and no UBI.
1/1/2021 18:24:59
@magic Mike i think from what Patrick has said it will probably be a little bit of both.
1/1/2021 18:00:11
This reset......I thought it was coming from the shift and the energy flowing across the universe. Is there a different reset being planned by the HCP? Can TC elaborate on this please? Thank you in advance
1/1/2021 18:17:28
It is. The HCP version was already planned and is being executed now. What are the questions?
1/1/2021 18:20:03
Will Trump be the one to stop them? Or the upcoming shift? Or both?
1/1/2021 18:23:14
Also, How can I prepare myself to best recognize my best path through the shift.
1/1/2021 19:24:50
Says The Committee:
1/1/2021 22:14:09
@Patrick hi Patrick even though these domination forces are more subtle and insidious as you say how likely are these plans going to come to fruition though I suspect that will lie largely with every human being regardless of what part of earth we're living on.
2/1/2021 21:44:40
How likely? They have already borne fruit. The question is how much longer/farther? The Shift is going to upend MANY things.
Scott R
2/1/2021 02:49:50
Pat, I mentioned before about possibly moving to Texas. The main reason was to escape what would be happening to the rest of the country, due to Harris and any government interference in our lives, whatever that could be. But I remember something that was said about Congress, and the fact that people entering congress by 2030 would be going there to work for the people, instead of Corporations. So...given that that is true, it suggests that it would be a turning point for this country. That possibly this country will turn back around to what we want it to be. We already know the Shift is for that reason and will be successful, my question would be, would it matter, in the end whether any of us make the decision to get out of this country, because it will come back to what it was meant to be in the not to distant future, anyway? Or do you feel the damage Harris will cause will be too much for any of us to want to put up with?
Scott Rayborne
2/1/2021 03:04:31
And by the way, Scott and I were seeing 12:21, 12:22...those are Angel numbers, apparently, describing my life in transition, and for whatever Scott is going through, I guess. I didnt realize there were that many of them. ).
Scott R
2/1/2021 03:06:23
Think there is any point to hiding my name, now?? Lol. I have to come up with a nick name, geez.
Santanu Acharya
2/1/2021 04:16:28
2021: Year of Disclosure :)
2/1/2021 10:11:55
"....this country will turn back around to what we want it to be."
Scott R
2/1/2021 17:02:28
Really? I wondered what would be the catalyst for secession. No, your right, no way is Texas going to let that happen...well, thats prolly going to cause me to secede, also. Im curious now to hear what type of individual will be successful after Harris...that would depend on the state of mind of the people at the time, I guess. New York just proposed a pretty scary law, by the way:
2/1/2021 18:30:51
Disarm ... as in confiscate guns from citizens? While I'm not a fan of guns, not a gun owner myself, disarming Texans ain't happening in ANY timeline, dimension or alternate reality here in Texas. What will prompt her to attempt such a silly ass thing like that? Mass rioting and civil unrest everywhere?
3/1/2021 09:01:59
Scott R
2/1/2021 03:08:51
So, I see Attorney Lin Wood is let his mind take a vacation from reality or was he always suspect? What is he doing with this talk about Pence and treason?
Saint Irene
2/1/2021 03:48:01
@ScottR--Eeeeeeeek! What a crazy twist, but then again, Pence did receive an envelope at George Bush, Sr.'s funeral...
Scott R
2/1/2021 17:05:13
Its a roller coaster of a ride, isn't it? I think its like a good murder mystery... Its all good...).
2/1/2021 05:52:37
Scott R , yeah what the hell is happening with Lin Wood ? I liked him at first but yikes it seems he’s off his rocker now
2/1/2021 16:35:47
Lin Wood’s message can best be explained by reading Matthew’s channeled info: 63 The Evolution of Mankind.
Scott R
2/1/2021 17:08:15
Yeah, Kim, I was wondering if it was a Sydney Powell move, where they made it look like she was distancing from the rest of the team for good reason, but I dont know at all to be honest...
Artie Fuffkin
2/1/2021 05:08:40
Everyone conceded Dons done and dusted yet ? 🤔🤔
2/1/2021 09:46:57
More than ⅓ of the House of Representatives plans to formally object to the acceptance of electoral votes from many states. I expect that proportion will increase over the next few days before the big fan is turned on and the crap is loaded into its launcher. I don't think the objections will be overcome, forcing Plan B where Biden/Harris are likely rejected. The evidence no court has examined publicly is going to get some air, space and sun.
2/1/2021 12:01:00
What seems strange to me, is why we have more than hundred from the house of Representatives, and just one from the senate.
2/1/2021 12:54:31
Just one from The Senate, so far.... it's only Saturday. By Monday, more will join. Headlines are saying today, at least 11 Senators will formally object. That number will increase by Wednesday.
7/1/2021 07:55:09
Congress formally used the "storming" of the Capital as the reason to halt all objections. It's no wonder people are saying that the "storming" was a set-up.
Scott R
2/1/2021 17:16:56
Fat lady hasn't sung yet, Artie...wait till after the 6th if you need that. I never worry about the Committee being dont need to either...).
2/1/2021 06:18:20
These past few months I keep feeling like there is a quasi House of Cards/Scandal series playing out in front of us and so painfully obvious at times, but seemingly forgotten by many for many reasons. That being said, I can't help but wonder if this is how we have chosen as a collective to split our consciousness and experiences. Our belief systems (what we have chosen to program in our matrix) is reinforced by our experiences that we have chosen by our own free-will and we have the choice to change this at any point in time we want. The desire to change of course is influenced also by this programming of our matrix. We attract like energy in this matrix further reinforcing these same belief and patterns. I can appreciate and respect these unlimited realities because that is the experience needs and chooses to have.
alex campbell
2/1/2021 11:34:15
I'm enjoying the Trump/Biden drama and I've got my popcorn ready. Knowing the outcome doesn't lessen the excitement.
2/1/2021 13:14:38
Excitement for you, disappointment for MANY of us Americans. It isn't pleasant to have the reality of banana republic citizenship thrown in your face, when you believed otherwise for most of your adult life. A once great nation is suffering a self-inflicted failure.
3/1/2021 02:40:39
What do you think will be the outcome Alex ? 🤔
Saint Irene
2/1/2021 13:09:38
DEAR FELLOW READERS--If you believe that information is power, and "follow the money" is at the root of all evil, then this interview will blow your mind!
2/1/2021 14:31:44
Saint Irene
2/1/2021 16:16:25
Absolutely, Patrick! "The Truth of What's Coming" vs "Mr. Global Has NO Idea!"--LOL! I also like that Ms. Fitts' proposed solution to this dilemma is very similar to what TC has told us the outcome will be--that smaller is better...
Scott R
2/1/2021 17:32:27
Its pretty kool, thats for sure...
2/1/2021 15:09:52
Eye-opening video 👍Thanks for sharing it.
Saint Irene
2/1/2021 16:24:41
@Linda--I'll check that out...I do remember The Fifth Interview being mentioned here before...thanks!
Scott R
2/1/2021 17:30:38
"A blessing for humanity"...Exactly, Linda.
2/1/2021 19:01:37
I've read part of this fifth interview and I'm not sure what to think.
2/1/2021 18:05:55
I've known about and admired Catherine Austin Fitts for ages. I'm off to watch the video which I understand will be part of a documentary.
2/1/2021 19:19:21
Catherine Austin Fitts speaks the truth from her heart, found her many years ago, thanks for sharing!
3/1/2021 14:25:57
Wow! Great video. I shared the crap out of it on FB😃
Scott R
2/1/2021 18:04:42
@Santanu, "2021: Year of Disclosure :)" Yes it is. ).
2/1/2021 21:43:05
I’m hoping that Mayor Deblasio and Governor Coumo are included in the shake down that’s coming.
alex campbell
3/1/2021 05:55:50
I read the Fifth Interview mentioned earlier by Linda and noted this key passage -
3/1/2021 08:25:14
@Alex Campbell, it is B.S. pure and simple, if you read all the interviews it is just a well written proposition to recruit you and use your power for their own purpose. You are your own authority (free will),
3/1/2021 14:01:24
@ Alex: I know what you mean by not being able to unread the 5th interview... I started reading myself but stopped after a couple of pages for the sake of my own sanity. I and my GAGs call plain and utter nonsense on it, sorry to be so direct, no offense meant to nobody here. I remember having read something similar brought up by a fellow reader here (basically that we are all played by other creatures and are caught in a never ending circle of incarnations and cannot remember anything, you know, a gloomy view of eternity altogether...) and for all I remember, TEC called BS on that too, in more diplomatic words of course, but that was the essence, I believe. So if this is of any consolation to you... Nothing a good Scotch single malt whisky could not wash down ;-)
3/1/2021 16:21:56
Holy Cow! That Fifth Interview passage is garbage. Pay it no mind.
3/1/2021 16:47:01
What is plan B that Patrick is talking about? Was it mentioned here and I missed it?
4/1/2021 14:32:59
@Candy on this post 25th comment
4/1/2021 14:36:00
3/1/2021 21:38:34
Recording of Trump's January 2nd phone call with the Georgia's Secretary of State about Georgia voter fraud:
3/1/2021 22:20:46
And here's the disinformation campaign kicking in with their distortion and outright lies about the phone call.
Saint Irene
3/1/2021 23:38:04
@Lorri--The phone call was so disturbing to listen to--there did not appear to be one iota of concern or cooperation by the Georgia Sec. of State, even under threat of arrest. I can only imagine that the payola must be massive...
4/1/2021 00:55:25
I don't think Trump threatened them so much as reminded them they were potentially breaking the law.
4/1/2021 00:57:52
The thing that stuck me is that when I've been in a situation similar to Trump, where I'm urging a person to do the right thing that they have no intention of doing, I've gotten that same exact stony facade where they try to say as little as possible because they know they're wrong.
4/1/2021 00:58:54
Typo: "struck"
Saint Irene
4/1/2021 09:36:19
@Lorri--just the fact that the President's call was illegally recorded and immediately released to the press speaks volumes...
4/1/2021 12:22:38
Whatever one sees, reads or hears need not prove anything, everything is so easy to alter nowadays.
Artie Fuffkin
4/1/2021 19:31:30
Good point tv, so very true .... Leave a Reply. |