Before turning to the "sujet du jour" [... which in Chinese means "broken chopsticks"] a reader asked a few EXCELLENT questions in the comments, a post or two back. ===================================================== "...some humans incarnated to play the role of the hidden controlling powers, some incarnated to play the role of their subordinates and others as participants and observers. These roles are included in the hierarchy of the plan for The Shift." World wars, serial killers, Illuminati, dictators, ...etc, where do they come from? They are parts of the 'PLAN". Before we incarnate, we enroll to play a part in the PLAN, be it a German (actually Austrian) dictator or a serial killer. And each of us has his own guides and guardians to help us adhere to our life plans (or script). When we die and attend the life review, we shall look at how we fare against our life plan. (In case of a serial killer: Hey, you were supposed to kill 37, but you missed two kids. Looks like you need to go back and kill 4 more in the next life to make up.)
Respondeth The Committee: No human attends a life review, as this word of English is understood. This process is optional and conducted by the soul of the former human. Allow us a moment to explain why we emphasize this word of otherwise not huge importance. If the one of you had worked for ten years to save every shilling you could —scrimping to the point of eating thrown away food, sleeping in a tent or many such things commonly considered hardships, for the purpose of accumulating money; your efforts aimed at a target of buying for cash a very important thing once your goal is reached. Would you casually extend the date to receive the thing you so wanted, after you have paid for it, then schedule a visit with this expensive thing possibly a few days later, then attend the meeting? This human is as rare as a toothed hen, as many of you might say. Your decision to incarnate and journey across Earth as a human is the equivalent of a ten-year purchase plan⁹. All souls eagerly conduct this review, with the help, assistance, love and affection of your Guardian Angel Guides and many other souls. You shall compare your plan to your experience, but we say rare is it to conduct this review in a way that analyses how did a soul fare. Much more emphasis is given to the richness of experiences and understanding gained. If these result from a scheduled phase, stage, passage or encounter that is positive but what the soul learns and feels is vastly more important than a comparison of budget to actual. To the questions:
On a friendly note, the comments & discussion heated up a bit recently. I am the biggest believer in free speech, but I am not a fan of insults, whether one pays to be maligned OR purchases a spot to hand 'em out. A country is a myriad mixture of people, with certain homogeneous traits forming a national or regional identity, however the closer one looks the better one shall see the complex individualism of every human being. To use salty language to just dismiss a country whilst ignoring that fact (...the fact offered in the latter half of the preceding sentence) leads not forward. ===================================================== On to the topic of the day:
Scott r
26/3/2023 16:21:04
Ok, well I guess we opened a can of worms... That was a mouthful. Why does this make me feel as if we're being assimilated by the Borg? Bastards.
28/3/2023 11:17:52
Assimilated voluntarily; going along isn't required. Dominators achieve the largest & longest lasting results from subjects who agree with the oppression and sign up. Once enough joined the ideology, the groupthink that takes over soon has them denouncing, regulating, sanctioning and even attacking disagreement.
27/3/2023 10:26:29
“ Your decision to incarnate and journey across Earth as a human is the equivalent of a ten-year purchase plan⁹. “
28/3/2023 11:14:03
That was a mathematical reference. ten to the ninth power, or one billion. (10⁹ = 1,000,000,000)
27/3/2023 18:47:13
I’ve often wondered how any cryptocurrency could survive if the electrical grid wasn’t dependable or functioning. What good would any crypto be without electrical power — even one “of Earth, of terrestrial origin” ?
Scott r
27/3/2023 20:57:36
Linda, if crypto is illuminati, do you think it'll be around for very long? If there is no traveling because of oil and gas getting shut down, there probably won't be a need for it until transportation begins to come back. Unless we all plan to use it between our neighbors. Idk.
27/3/2023 21:44:40
Scott R
28/3/2023 14:54:06
So, craving for money is partecipating to the HCP game.
27/3/2023 21:17:36
Typo 🙄 * Postpositively
Scott R
28/3/2023 10:05:23
Good point. I'll let Patrick tackle that one.
Scott R
28/3/2023 22:35:29
Pierluigi, that's exactly what will happen, once oil and gas stop flowing, it'll be the beginning of the end for them. A horror movie? No. Front row seats to experiencing the world evolve. ). I prefer to look at it as challenges rather than suffering?
29/3/2023 15:44:42
I saw this headline. Cars To Be Banned by 2030 Under WEF 15 Minute City Plans: ‘Travel Is Not a Human Right’. I'm gonna take off my tin foil hat for a minute how exactly do these wef ding dongs figure there going to stop 8 billion people especially if those 8 billion suddenly smarten up and fight back.
Scott R
30/3/2023 20:53:43
Scott, whatever they do will be futile, the shift has already started, so... They'll make things difficult but they're on they're way out.
Scott R
30/3/2023 21:38:03
Another train derailment. Ethanol. We had one here couple days ago about 20 miles away. Iron ore. One in North Dakota at the same time.
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