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Before today’s post, a reader sends a question. Q: I ask the Committee what is going on with the mysterious or seemingly toxic or poisonous "fog" enveloping the eastern and Midwest states (there have been reports around the world as well)? Specifically, what is this fog, and what is this purpose? I would imagine it's likely more geo-engineering courtesy of our government. I also wonder if the many UFOs as of late are here to prevent ongoing chemical warfare on the citizens of Earth. C: “Humans cannot create the required combination of humidity and temperature to produce fog. This is a natural occurrence, happening without ability to predict when, but patterns thus times of the year or seasons, where general temperature changes happen, a strong example, have been identified”. “Poisonous fog is toxicity of mostly human gaseous, particulate and chemical emissions which mix with thus become concentrated in the airborne water droplets. There is no purpose, this is not a man-made effect. We can assure you of what many readers already know and suspect; some humans would love to create toxic fog, to provide another ability to manipulate behavior.” “Visitors-To-Earth will not interfere with human use of weaponry, period. Guardian Angel Guides of humans in the collective have interceded to disarm nuclear warheads, but Alien ETs have not. In a rare few cases, Alien ETs have traveled close or right to locations where they knew such warheads would be disabled, as observers, thus scant witness reports from, by and for humans have erroneously believed such Visitors-To-Earth are responsible for the disarmament.”
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. We flip the calendar with this last post of this year. 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9, meaning these upcoming twelve months are the final of a cycle of 1 to 9. 2024 was obviously an 8 (2+2+4) meaning Double Four, 4 of Trump then 4 of Biden. The coin is now retired. Year 2026 will be the start of a new cycle. 2025 predictions, as suggested and requested by a reader, are coming shortly. On to the latest installment. 😉
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. First a brief message from your humble correspondent radio transceiver website host.
Throughput the year, many of you have been generous, some amazingly so and always without asking. I have no good words to express the great personal feeling I receive when this happens, but to say to you one and all, who give your time, your kindness and of your generosity, thank you. A reader asks good questions in the comments, deserving of this separate post. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Question: Is The Committee suggesting events ahead would best be made from a state of calm impartiality? C: "Yes, most certainly. Well have you understood." And if we aren't calm, because we're emotional and the situation requires urgent choices be made, is recusing ourselves a sensible choice? C: "Always. Obligations to participate exist not." What would that recusal look like? Passive acceptance of whatever occurs, with no conscious choice made, leaving it to others, or our GAGs, to make the choice on our behalf? C: "Observation. Presence is also possible, with only observation and a smile added. Your guides will supply the feelings needed to know if this you could & should do. If you feel unsure, ask us for guidance and you shall receive it, always." Are GAGs impartial regarding us? C: "Never. As your Guardian Angels we are fiercely on your side, in your corner and always ready to help you. This is what guidance means and requires. If and when the situation might seem otherwise, at that moment you shall and should know that your choice and the support, help and love of and from your guides, lift you to heights no words can express." Is any choice a good choice (given everything is an experience, therefore expansive), or are there better or worse choices? What determines which is good, which bad? C: "The goodness or otherwise of a choice, this is decided personally. Even what seems to come out bad, is good. Time will show you one & all, how this is true. When the negative seems to reign over things, look with your mind down the road, think of the long term and know that all is and will be well." "Allow us to say — and as we do, please accept our gratitude for coming to read what we offer here— that this time of the annual human calendar has come to mean many things to many people, especially humans given to the pursuit and belief in what is known as Christianity, but a deeper message applies to all humans and all of you who read our offered words." "In the most confusing moments, as news flows from events the many of you might dislike, remember always your place in Heaven and on Earth, and the unlimited bounty and magnanimity of your souls. Your Doctorate of Philosophy in the Human Experience, the elevation of your souls to the greatest of its potential, are assured in Heaven and on Earth, most decidedly so when things seem opposite. Believe us when we say, you are risen as high and well as possible. Our admiration we offer, our appreciation we give. Looking forward we are, to seeing all of you in person, many days and moons from now when your most blessed return to Heaven arrives." Be well, one and all and do return when you can." Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
A reader makes an excellent comment (offered in two parts, (repeated and italicized below) and also offers a few questions.
I will ask The Committee to respond and also offer my thoughts, which are not thoughts, answers or replies from the Committee.
I'm not hearing any fear or concern or implied sinister intent (the word “drone” brings to most people’s minds hobby photographers, not automated destruction) from the people seeing the “drones” or from the media speculating about them. MC: You are right, if one’s understanding of drone means the small twin, triple or quadruple rotor remote controlled gizmos with cameras, which are about a half meter or less in length, maybe some a little longer. These doohickeys are battery powered, don’t weigh much, cannot fly very fast (they don’t go 100-150 kph, for example) and most of their payload capacity is dedicated to batteries powering the motors. They’re fairly harmless (unless one crashes into or falls on top of you from up high enough, that could be bad) and they have limited flight time thus limited radii of operation or range. Military forces around the world also use remote controlled aircraft called drones. They are 5, 10 and 15 meters in length, are more like airplanes, fly very fast and carry dangerous, accurate weapons. These devices should be called….what? UAV for un-manned aerial vehicle? (How about Un-womanned aerial vehicle? Ladies can operate them also.) Many eyewitness reports say the devices seen in the night sky over, so far, certain parts of the USA are a LOT more like the UAVs I just mentioned, not the hobby copters most folk are accustomed to hearing about. No fear or worry coming from any government, either, despite sightings from all over the world, including sites holding nuclear weapons or military bases. MC: Because government folk know what the aircraft are, why the gizmos are flying around and the purpose. We The People are just the little idiots who need to be fooled then assured, because we’re too blinking stupid. Dislike what I suggest? I expect many of you do, but that is how too many members of the Gubmint Folk think, whether we like it or do not. We’re the jerks and they’re in charge. Do as you’re told. Take the puck and shut it up. (I am referring to hockey, of course.) If this is a scare campaign designed to seed panic, it's gone awry. I see curiosity, enquiry, collaboration amongst those seeing the flying objects, and frustration expressed regarding the apparent lack of interest in governments. It is a scare campaign and it is working splendidly; I explained it. The confusion and chaos now happening make it MUCH easier in the near future to offer this mystery perspective again when real Alien ET ships begin to appear all over the place. It will be so much easier for the Gubmint Folk to sit back and let us Little People… [you are a gnat and I’m a flea, remember that always] …speculate our buns off, just as we are doing now. Governments are not “interested” because governments know; Gubmint Folk are the operators of these flying objects. Citizen-science and military whistle-blowers are dominating the narrative. Yes, that’s the psy-op or psychological operation. Many of the whistle-blowers are in on it. The theme 'cover-up' is rising in pitch, too. Because it’s obvious that what is falling from the sky is pure bullshit. Many folks with even basic knowledge and experience in military aircraft and satellite operations know the USAF and USSF could blow these things away in the blink of an eye, not to mention the US Army, Navy and Marine Corps. Gee whiz, even the Coast Guard could shoot them down in a near instant. There'll need to be an attack to seed panic, after so many weeks of benign but weird sightings. Attack seems extremely unlikely. MC: Oh no…no attacks, you’re right. That would create certainty. The goal is to achieve UNCERTAINTY thus doubt, confusion and speculation. Once that is done, it’s easy to create more confusion when even bigger and more sophisticated ships show up during the daytime. ... on the other hand, aggression is high in Russia currently. Russians have launched a new weapon - the Oreoshnik - which has technologically advanced, devastating capabilities. Presumably other countries will follow this lead. + Bashar predicted world war when Trump becomes president. + Alien focus is apparently fixed on Russia (weaponry?) currently. C: No world war shall come because of Donald Trump assuming office or during his imminently commencing term in office. The weapon you mention is not new, just its deployment and potential use. Many military weapons exist about which nearly nothing is known publicly. We un— or fortunately, do know. Alien Extraterrestrial Visitors-To-Earth have never and do not interfere in human conflicts. Such Visitors and Observers focus on all parts of human societies, including military force, weapons and other aspects such as effects resulting from organized human-on-human violent conflicts. When will all this he-man/human aggression, pride, tribalism, weapons of destruction, heightened authoritarian blather and macho-speak wane? C: An easy question to answer. When you humans choose to halt aggression. Most life on Planet Earth (the animals/insects/fish, the plant kingdom, the birds, the mammals, the people and their beloved dogs and cats and countless loves and expansive interests) does not want war. C: Because most forms of life cannot. Two species engage in organized conflict against opposing organized groups, ants and humans. Several species have the capability but doing so would curtail their lifespans and also worsen their short life. We suggest chimpanzees, orca, buffalo and elephants as examples. Returning to the armies, ants do it to promote the propagation of the species. Humans do it to dominate. Humans will cease to engage in war when it is no longer taught and no longer pays off. Will it take “attack” to unify us all? C: We suggest you abandon the notion of unity until it is defined clearly. Currently humans have developed a near fetish for the term, however absolutely its most fervent proponents do not want unity but dominance over other humans with whom unity supporters disagree. They reflexively say they desire unity but that means everybody must cede some ground to gain some; to compromise, in other words. The people most desirous of unity are the least willing to give in. How many of “us” will there be to be unified, if the warmongers have their way? C: The best and fastest way to dissuade the warmongers among humans is to appeal to the adversaries of the warmonger. The warmonger relies upon resistance, both from a perceived enemy and also from the peaceniks inside their own clan, mostly the latter. This statement pushes its believer toward the peacenik group, thus becoming an unwitting supporter of war. If enough Russians or Americans could convince the White House or The Kremlin that war, presumably involving nuclear warheads, was something to be forbidden, then either nation completely and utterly dismantles its nuclear weapons arsenal, do you believe the opposing nation would launch an existential attack? Neither would do this. The immediate and permanent reaction would be shock in either country and soon, massive public pressure to disarm would come to bear on leadership of the nation still possessing the weapons. I often feel the Shift in Consciousness is a dream I keep having, which I feel all around me when my attention is not on world affairs, but which is divorced from the worldly events I see when I open my computer or turn on my phone. C: You are being drawn into world affairs to a purpose, and that is to feel discouraged. Humans are now at mankind’s most calm period ever, since humans were created a thousand centuries ago. If the Emperors of Rome possessed military force even remotely similar to what is common today, they would have annihilated the world. What has changed is the bombardment of information upon the populace, designed to make you feel doubt, worry, concern and anxiety. This makes it so easy for a perceived leader to step in, assure you then take charge to dominate you. How many times in the recent USA election cycle did observers and commenters offer that the incoming USA president is another Adolph Hitler? If you did or do not like this former candidate and now president-elect, this barrage of stupidities did not re-assure you; most likely the opposite. Any reassurance most welcome. C: This is a massively large request, depending on the area from, for and to which you would like reassurance. We shall summarize by saying only, the sky is not falling. Every bit of bad news and gloomy forecast about which you hear, consider if the bad news involves you directly. For gloomy forecasts, consider how many have been offered in the popular media but how many have come about? Do be well one and all of you, return soon. A reader posted a video with Steven Greer; it was interesting. Mr. Greer's focus, and the theme of the video, is cover-up by governmental and quasi-governmental powers.
Many of you who read The Alien Handbook – A Guide To Extraterrestrials, might remember what I explained. Visitors-To-Earth, who observe us closely, see everything that happens. They have made repeated, contemporary contact with humans through the leadership of human societies we have chosen, as part of the sovereign nations and hierarchies within, what we humans have solely created. That our human leadership —the roles we have created and filled, alone— chooses to conceal nearly all of what has occurred, is a human concern, not something our Alien ET friends are in a hurry to upend. It is well understood by Observers-Of-Earth that pockets of frustration exist among humans, some of us anxious to know in unmistakable ways, that Alien ETs are here, observing and interacting with us. This desire is popular but at the same time, the focus is misplaced. We humans mostly want to marvel at Alien ETs and enjoy the show of technology, the gadgets, the ray-guns, the superpowers and abilities such visitors possess, but Visitors-To-Earth are not here to entertain us with this stuff. They are here to welcome us into the galaxial community of which are already a part but do not yet know. They are planning to introduce us to the key members of this community, and to show us the history of our planet and of events occurring during the presence of humans. How Earth was formed, is currently composed and operates, how life, both plant and animal, has been planted and has evolved, such as dinosaurs, etc. They are not in a hurry to demonstrate what they are and what THEIR societies are, or what they can do as a performance for us to enjoy, for much of that is irrelevant to human life and existence. It would simply serve as a HUGE distraction. Slowing down this disclosure process are vigorous efforts we humans make to cover up, hide and conceal Alien ET contact with ourselves. Breaking open this process will become a massive distraction, and if the revelation is not managed carefully, we would as a planetary community become obsessed with our governments and become distracted. We'd lose our minds over being lied to, in other words. This could be a valuable step in the advancement of human societies, but it amounts to interference. Our galaxial cousins are making great plans and efforts to avoid this as much as possible. On a related subject, many of you are probably seeing a lot of news lately about mysterious drones being spotted at night above the State on New Jersey in the USA. For readers not already familiar, this state is located immediately west of New York City, between the Atlantic Ocean and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Keep in mind "drone" means an unmanned, miniature rotor wing aircraft; a remote-control small helicopter, in other words. The Committee says (I am paraphrasing) these are NOT being operated by Visitors-To-Earth. What the craft are, is a matter for humans to discover and reveal, if this can be done. This is a human matter to resolve. Alien ETs would not do this at night; they will most certainly do it during daylight, as they always have, when they desire to be observed. When they "de-cloak" in other words. These drones are human devices being sent aloft with the purpose of creating a news distraction. Two principal objectives exist for this; to crowd out the news cycle to remove attention from the incoming USA president and to increase skepticism, concern, speculation and doubt regarding real and true Alien ET disclosure. The desire for the drone operators to create distractions and spark speculation is because some of them know that Alien ETs are on the brink of widespread disclosure which no humans can control. We are utterly powerless to stop, manage, influence or distort what many humans will see with our own eyes. This is truly disconcerting for the powerful few among us who have warehoused with great care a LARGE amount of information they wish to hide, what they know and what has come before disclosure takes place. It is a desperation move being carried out to make humans generally doubt and fear what we shall all see with our own eyes. Humans are powerless to shoot down, cover-up, hide or scare away Alien ETs. On this topic, a reader asks: Hi Patrick, my questions for The Committee... When the E.T visitors show themselves and reveal to us our true history how will this affect the major religions of the world? Is this the kind of event that makes mankind more spiritual or less? Ronald Reagan [US President from January 1981 to 1989] once commented something along the lines of that he wished aliens would come and land on earth because this would be the one time that we all would finally see ourselves as one people (humankind). I really like that thought and wonder if such a moment as this can do just that? Says The Committee: "The effect on religious thought and belief will unfold in several ways. Some human observers will incorrectly interpret Alien ET disclosure across-the-board as being a replacement for and thus the true manifestation of God. God is not this, but some observers will see it as such. As more information about Earth history is revealed, especially the history and development of humans and your societies, more of you will come to understand the nature of your existence as souls, not just physical bodies, and your permanence, and our permanence as energetic beings in Heaven. This will lead to a decline in religious observance, faith and worship and will reduce the roles religious institutions, thought and belief play in human life. Automatically humans will see Alien ET presence through a lens or filter of 'We and They', which is accurate. Soon and early in the process, most humans will come to understand how Visitors-To-Earth are here to greet us, communicate with you and inform about who humans are, NOT WHO THEY ARE. Humans will come to understand that no hostility exists, none would be permitted and any human attempt to act in a hostile way which might harm Alien ETs will simply be halted, with no bad effect on the human aggressor." I admit, I am not so enthusiastic about this coming to pass but will enjoy seeing human reactions across the board. I am a lot more enthusiastic about humans learning to stop wars, attacks, abuse and killing. Advice and recommendations to achieve this we will receive in copious quantities, if we choose to listen. Human cooperation is something we already do pretty well but there is much more room for improvements.
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. Before we turn to the long overdue suggested topics (shortly) here are some reader questions answered, from comments to the most recent post.
================================================= Q: The man who said he watched it [presumably a video of something unidentified in the sky] for 15 mins said it wasn't moving. I've never seen a static kite. Kites move by air and uplift. Questions for The Committee: Was it reverse engineered by humans or an ET craft? C: The object was an alien extraterrestrial ship. Q: What’s the purpose of the craft? C: It was designed for observation, Earth environment research such as atmospheric air pressure, wind speed measurement, temperature changes, dust, humidity, static electricity, moisture, gaseous composition, transparence or the ability to both block and pass light from the moon, from stars and originating with your central star; in this case it was allowed observed. Q: Why did it stay observable for so long? C: To make certain it would be seen, recorded visually and the story and photographs shown to other humans. Humans disbelieve what is not shown in photographs, the now sophisticated, nearly undetectable ability to create fake images notwithstanding. ======================================= May I offer some new questions for The Committee. Can we do a new reading on Q? Q: Who are the person/persons behind Q? C: Names we shall never provide, yet we understand all who read these words know this already. The source is a group of humans, all of whom share inside experience with the subjects about which they write. Q: What is their purpose? C: To reveal, enlighten somewhat and mostly, to provoke a more skeptical view of events, in order for the skeptics to look at the topics the Q Group mentions and discusses in different, unique and atypical ways. Q: What will be Trump’s biggest accomplishment during his third and last term? C: The correct reply cannot be known until President’s Trump’s time in office has drawn to an end. Some things which shall change will not require much reflection and shall even be apparent as accomplishments well before he departs the presidency of the USA. Other things shall continue to unfold, the long-term effects emerging as the months and even several years follow his departure. We caution readers to consider that many observers of President Trump will see failure in changes others right alongside them see as achievement and accomplishment. One’s preferences weigh very heavily. We who observe more impartially say, we see neither accomplishment nor shortfall, neither achievement nor failure but rather, development and growth. In this light, what shall transpire and what results from changes made by President Trump shall be a time of good growth and development for many humans across human societies. Q: What is the meaning behind Ingersoll Lockwood’s book The Last President? Is Trump going to be the Last President of America? [For readers unfamiliar, such as myself, a synopsis: 1900, or The Last President, by Ingersoll Lockwood, is a surrealistic 1896 novel in which Americans protest a corrupt election process while the president's hometown of New York City fears the collapse of the republic after the transition of presidential power.] C: Donald Trump will not be final president, but he will be the last of his style, tone and approach. The meaning behind the book is not behind it, it is up front and available to any reader. The message the book wishes to send is that when the citizenry loses faith in the integrity of the system used to choose leaders, the nation-state shall have lost its way, to soon embark on a course of decline. Q: Edgar Cayce predicted turmoil as well because of the division between capital and labor. Will the US see major strife in terms of civil unrest [over] the next 4 years? C: Major civil unrest and strife resulting from it —civil unrest need not cause strife— shall not come to pass resulting from Donald Trump’s time in office starting early in year 2025. Resistance to his authority is not new, as any observer has seen. Attempts to accuse, investigate, impeach and thwart Trump's initiatives will be of a different nature. The misuse of legislative and legal functions will be much less, but groups of citizens opposed to Trump’s decisions will increase. Several of these protests will have large potential to become messy, even violent. How much this occurs is not yet decided, but the probability is not low. These raucous protests will draw much attention and will be incorrectly and improperly hailed in some quarters of the press as justifiable, painted by certain press organizations as necessary because they are the only way to resist and prevent. One area which shall be an early focus of resistance shall be immigration of illegal aliens into the USA. We say this to reflect what USA federal laws say about humans who are citizens of other nations who enter the USA without following what is set forth in laws. The solution is to change the law, but this shall be an insurmountable task; USA citizens in disagreement with existing law know changes to laws involving migration, changes which suit their preference —we specifically mean moving one's residence from one nation-state to another, from outside the USA then within its frontier delineations, lines or borders— are almost impossible to achieve. Trump was attacked by the political opposition during his first term to prevent a second term, or ideally if it could have been done, remove him from office before the first term concluded. Because he was going to be re-elected, he was removed with an electoral coup d'etat. As evidence we suggest an impartial look at his replacement, a man whose political career had finished but was compelled to return from retirement to assume the role. Trump's replacement Mr. Biden was chosen for several reasons, the main factor being his willingness to comply with instructions and follow orders. His controllers, what you have often referred to here as the HCPs, raced to change many things once their employee was installed, to move away from Trump or in the exact opposite direction. The goal is to subjugate the citizenry of the USA and achieve greater control of world populations, beginning with the USA. Many similar methods were employed to remove the President of another large western nation Brazil, also with a view to expansion of control. Many unwitting pawns in the process are more than happy to engage, because they are or believe they shall be pleased with the outcome. Their dislike of Mr. Trump motivates them into a state of hypocrisy, emotionally fueled. The more emotion and feelings can be lifted higher on the list of priorities voters prefer in elected leaders, the better become prospects for the Hidden Controlling Powers, who seek and have achieved to a great degree, more control over the populace since early in your year of 2021. These elements of human society, the HCPs, care not at all about the effects of their actions regarding which groups gain and who loses, but rather an enhancement of their control. Monetarily the HCPs have achieved this well. Protests against Trump policies shall feed the process and enhance control, chaos to any degree always begs for a solution and the Hidden Controlling Powers will supply the short-term answer with a view always to gain greater influence, leverage and dominance over human societies. How far these events shall extend and what effects shall come, are not yet decided. Q: Will there be a major earthquake in California as TC predicted earlier during Trump's second (third) term? C: Mr. Trump's second term, he is not conducting a third term, despite having been thrice elected. To this we simply say, look to the vote total reported in years 2016, 2020 and now in 2024. Mr. Trump’s total votes have followed a steady pattern, receiving 74 million four years ago and now 76 million. Mr. Biden was widely and regularly reported to have received more than 81 million near the end of year 2020, yet his replacement the current US Vice President was given approximately seventy million. One must ask, to where did the more than ten million votes go? Obviously not to Mr. Trump. We answer, the missing votes, as they have been labelled in the press, were not created earlier in this current human month of November, although the effort would have been made were it achievable. We digress but hope we have explained why we say, Mr. Trump's second term and not his third. Turning to the major California earthquake, we are prevented by our own decision, not to specify the timing of such event within the confines of the time interval requested. We shall say, it is possible and do not be shocked if it occurs during years 2025, 2026, 2027 or 2028 but also, do not be surprised if it takes place after that, along the human calendar of Earth time marcation. Listen to the video for 6 minutes, starting at about 58; the forecast is Trump's victory (“the male”) will lead to World War III and the destruction of the USA. If "the female" (Harris) prevails, that would lead to more open contact with extraterrestrial Visitors-To-Earth. Quite a forecast, huh?
The information comes with disclaimers, warnings, disclosures & advice that s/he who learns this, must bear the responsibility for knowing it and is admonished to think carefully about what that means. Says The Committee, "responsibility for it means, s/he who passes on this information must be willing also to cite the source and to explain free will, collective choice, alternative timelines, event sequences and lastly, the time illusion of Earth surface existence. Bashar does not say this, but that is precisely what is meant. S/he the human(s) who offer(s) the information, must allow and accept follow-up questions, and be prepared to address them." The audience reaction to bearing responsibility came too quickly and eagerly, as can be seen & heard easily. Too many humans are addicted to the idea of a fixed future to be revealed, that choice, will and the ability decide differently are not in one's individual or our collective hands. On to what I ask The Committee: Q: How would the election of Donald Trump lead to a world war? C: This would not occur quickly or directly, and the term world war is broad. If this happens, several nations would be involved and the end of the conflict would come quickly, in a matter of weeks. Q: Where might this occur? C: The Middle East, between Israel and Iran. The Persians are determined to dominate the Arabs; making Israel the general foe, problem and target is the best method to achieve this. Q: Not Russia and its newly seized territory of Ukraine? This isn't the starting point of such armed conflict? C: No. The election of Donald Trump, with regard and respect to Russia, will lead to a strategy of choking Russia financially, achieved by erecting oil money roadblocks through USA banks and also banks domiciled in ally nations of the USA. The gifts of billions of dollars, weapons and other war materiel to the formerly sovereign Ukraine have not caused Russian forces to withdraw. They remain present in the new Russian territory, able to move about, in or out at will. Ukraine remains conquered, seized. The war will not escalate beyond what has developed and occurred already, after Trump returns to the USA presidency. Q: World war means several or many participants, doesn’t it? C: Syria, Jordan, Lebanon will be more likely to get or become involved than the Emirates, Qatar, Iraq, Kuwait or Saudi Arabia. These latter group could also become involved or be drawn into such a conflict. Q: Who would win? C: The Israelis. Q: How is Trump going to cause this? C: He will not do so directly. The politically feeble populists of the USA, currently in power, are attempting to walk the tightrope between appeasement of the uneducated, poorly and misinformed protestors who want Israel punished. These politicians fear a backlash costing them position; the protestors represent a farther left faction of the Democrat Party political spectrum which has been worked into a position of the tail wagging the dog. This has been engineered by the HCPs among you. Democrat political operatives know this but are also aware of strong support for the defense of Israel and the avoidance of another Holocaust like massacre. Have no doubt, we assure you; the Arabs would exterminate Jews if this were possible. Trump will move quickly past this conundrum, dichotomy, juxtaposition and tightrope walk, coming out strongly in favor of Israel’s actions, horrible as they are. This prepares the terrain for Iran to act out in an even more vigorous way, starting the fire which would grow into a world war across the Persian Gulf, into the Red Sea and even briefly into the Mediterranean Sea. Q: Nuclear weapons? C: We and other GAGs will shut these off and down. Their use will not be allowed. As has been the case for many decades now on Earth, nuclear weapons will not be permitted used. Visitors-To-Earth will not be the guards who stop this, we the collective of Guardian Angel Guides shall do it, as we have been doing. Q: So the unfolding of this scenario is the world war to which the Alien ET refers in the video? C: Yes. Q: What about Trump not coming out strongly in support of Israel? C: The Persians wish to dominate the Middle East, with the purpose of making alliances with Russia for economic power, such as control over OPEC, much as the USA has done with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other nations. This goal will be pursued with a view to the long term, whether the USA likes it or otherwise, as the Iranians have determined and chosen. Trump's presence as leader of the USA will serve to lift Iran's desire to push back, over the shorter term of his four years in office. It is possible Iran chooses to set aside, delay or postpone these moves, to wait for Trump to leave the presidency and allow a softer, more easily manipulated USA president to be installed. Q: What then about the idea Kamala Harris as president would lead to open contact with extraterrestrial Visitors-To-Earth? Why wouldn’t this happen or as quickly with Trump in the Oval Office, compared to Harris? C: Visitors to your planet will reveal themselves in the physical, either way. Your cousins from planets orbiting stars in your sector and astral cluster, do not require a permission slip from a national Earth leader. Harris will allow the process to unfold starting sooner and more quickly compared to Trump, but the process is going to occur anyway. Little difference is there between the presidents, in this regard. Q: Y’all have told us Trump will prevail, so why does the Alien ET Bashar, channeled through Mr. Anka, inform about the two choices? Does the ET not know what shall happen with the election? C: The ET knows well but as we have many a time informed, is restrained by the prime directive prohibiting interference in human affairs. Unlike ourselves, energetic beings with no ability or desire to interfere, influence or change anything other than with you specifically as you instruct and have instructed through your life plan, the extraterrestrial Visitors-To-Earth are most capable of physical interference and the causation of many effects humans alone could and would not bring about with human action. To be colloquial, Visitors-To-Earth "could mess with you". Q: Okay, so let’s discard the “if the male” versus “if the female” remark, since it’s going to be the male. How will Visitors-To-Earth revelation unfold, if different from what is suggested in the videos? [Sidebar: there are two videos, each one about two hours short.] C: After the physical presence easily seen by many humans, the unfolding will depend on humans. All of you will decide the pace and pattern, but the process will move forward quickly. You personally are going to be recruited; having written a book with much channeling of Alien Extraterrestrials was a prelude, preview and a foreward to the process. You could well find yourself in great demand as an interpreter, but you will be pressured to perform beyond your capabilities. Recognize your requirements and limits, of and for time, food, sleep, rest, leisure, relaxation in addition to work, attention and efforts. Q: If as the videos describe, ET ships will hover over water close to a shoreline, will authorities attempt to respond or worse, become hostile? C: Of course, this has already been planned. Hostile acts will be prevented without harm or damage to any object or human involved. This is where your input and others such as you, will become valuable. You will be able to explain to humans that technology which allows the Visitors to freeze people in place, to maintain stable flight or surface travel of whatever craft or tools are used by humans to approach and observe, can also be turned up to nearly instantly fatal intensity, in self-defense, or the target will simply depart and disappear faster than any human believes is possible, avoiding any harm or damage to the visitors. Soon the effect will be much like humans driving automobiles past a military base. Could force be used to annihilate a passing object? Certainly, and in overwhelming ways which shall never come to pass. The military base staff know this and so do passing vehicles and craft. Unlike human-to-human encounters, Visitors-To-Earth will never counterattack if approached with hostility; these visitors will simply suspend the act. The aggressive human approach will be quickly halted then abandoned by humans. Q: The videos mentioned the holographic gift of displaying for mankind our history, for all to see. This sounds like photos and video of events about which we don't even know, plus others we suspect might have occurred and about which mucho speculation has been offered. How soon after we start seeing the hovering Visitor Spacecraft will this happen? C: As soon as enough humans accept it. You will all be told what the imagery shall display and be offered accompanying explanations, where and when for example. You will be offered ideas about venues; likely to be suggested shall be large stadiums, where the holographic imagery can be seen firsthand by all humans in attendance and also be projected to viewers who tune in, just as it done already with any event taking place in the stadium. These events will develop quickly after the general freak-out stage subsides. Most entertaining for us, as observers, shall be this phase. Q: Thank you for the explanations, Esteemed Committee. C: Welcome are all, please ask more questions about this, if you would like. |